Trim Box – Photoshop will crop the image to the dimensions specified as the file’s intended finishing size. This function crops the file according to the dimensions specified in the original PDF, accounting for production processes like cutting. Bleed Box – Just like in the last option, Photoshop recognises the original properties of the PDF file to make an informed crop in this case. Crop Box – Choosing this option causes Photoshop to automatically recognize the crop margins of the file, and to crop the document to these boundaries.
Media Box – This is quite a common choice, and it crops the image or page to its original size. If white space was added intentionally in the creation of the PDF, then Photoshop will recognize this and will not delete these areas. Bounding Box – Essentially, this function removes any white space from the outside of your pages by creating a rectangular crop around the outermost elements of the page (such as text and images).
There are six different options to choose from: